The Privatization and Deregulation of Healthcare in India with an Emphasis on Oversight, COVID-19, and Liberal Policy
Privatization and Deregulation of Healthcare, Oversight, COVID-19, Liberal PolicyAbstract
The quasi-notion of the centralized and privatized nature of healthcare anent the familiar juxtaposition of the latter in India upon the post-liberal and welfare-esque socio-economic context of the aforementioned institution in the West provides an inherently conclusive but convoluting interpretation and dissertation into the documented and instituted proto-struggles of those latterly employed. The menial and oppositionary treatment and subjugation of doctors and other healthcare staff is a reference id est apropos in the positional setting of the perspective of the neo-polity situated in the post-industrial Indian context. The government, both locally and federally, has an implicitly embedded responsibility toward the political essence of its representation in the view of its constituents and also the latterly employed.
This paper creates an extraversion scale and similarly an extraversion test entitled, the ‘L/R Extraversion Scale’. The L/R Extraversion Scale judges the perspectives of its respondents in a defined pair of grading/scoring scales, id es namely, the ‘Left Extraversion Scale’ (LES), and the ‘Right Extraversion Scale’ (RES); scored out of 8 and represented on the X-Y axes alongside the accompanying intensity and frequency of the received variable responses on the test. When represented as the latter, and upon the presentation of the median at four, the delineation of the results in the second and fourth quadrants allows for an analysis of the scores on the LE and RE Scales.
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