The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Leadership: A Study


  • SUNIL KUMAR SUVVARI Independent Researcher, USA



Emotional Intelligence, Project Leadership, Project Management, Team Performance, Conflict Resolution, Stakeholder Management, Leadership Development, Organizational Culture


In this paper, the importance of EI in project leadership will be analysed, the effects of EI on projects, team members and, thus, project success will be evaluated. It included a review of numerous academic articles up to 2022 focusing on the combination of emotional intelligence with project management. This study aims to explore the five aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-control, passion, understanding of others, and interpersonal skills in project leadership contexts using both quantitative and qualitative data collection. The research shows thus that emotionally intelligent project leaders contribute to improving team outcomes and conflict resolutions, efficient management of stakeholders, and increased project success rates. Additionally, the paper acknowledges the difficulties of integrating theories of emotional intelligence into project management and provides systematic recommendations for applying and enhancing emotional intelligence in project managers. Altogether, this research adds to the literature by identifying the value of soft skills in PM and offering guidance to organizations that aim to harness emotional intelligence for enhancing project results.


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DOI: 10.36676/irt.v10.i1.1480
Published: 2024-03-31

How to Cite

SUNIL KUMAR SUVVARI. (2024). The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Project Leadership: A Study. Innovative Research Thoughts, 10(1), 157–171.