Sustainable Urban Development: Integrating Smart City Technologies for Environmental Resilience


  • Prof. Ashok Khosla Development Alternatives, New Delhi



Sustainable Urban Development, Smart City Technologies, Environmental Resilience, Internet of Things (IoT)


To combat the problems caused by fast urbanisation and environmental deterioration, sustainable urban development is being acknowledged as an essential component. bolstering ecological resilience via the incorporation of smart city technology into sustainable urban development methods. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, data analytics, and energy-efficient infrastructure are all examples of smart city technologies that provide new ways to maximise efficiency, lessen negative effects on the environment, and enhance city life. recently developed smart city technologies and how they might improve city management and planning. Energy networks that are smart, transportation systems that are smart, and green construction technologies are important areas of study. With the help of these innovations, urban areas can keep tabs on their energy usage, cut down on pollution, and improve the effectiveness of public services. The report analyses case studies from different cities around the world to show how smart technology integration helps the environment be more resilient. Intelligent transport systems, for example, lessen traffic jams and pollution, while smart grids make it easier to handle renewable energy sources. Sustainable urbanisation is aided even further by green building technology, which increase water and energy efficiency.


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DOI: 10.36676/irt.v10.i4.1472
Published: 2024-09-05

How to Cite

Khosla, A. (2024). Sustainable Urban Development: Integrating Smart City Technologies for Environmental Resilience. Innovative Research Thoughts, 10(3), 138–142.