Assessing the Impact of Social Sustainability Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives


  • Prof. Sudarshan Iyengar Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad.



Social Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Business Performance, Societal Well-being


The impact of social sustainability practices within Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives on both business performance and societal well-being. Social sustainability, an integral component of CSR, encompasses practices that promote social equity, improve quality of life, and foster community development. This study evaluates various CSR initiatives across different industries to understand how effectively they address social sustainability goals and the resulting benefits for businesses and communities. Through a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative data analysis and qualitative case studies, the research identifies key factors that contribute to successful social sustainability practices. The findings reveal that companies that prioritize social sustainability not only enhance their corporate reputation and stakeholder trust but also experience tangible benefits such as increased employee satisfaction and customer loyalty. Furthermore, these practices contribute to societal well-being by addressing issues such as poverty, education, and health. This paper offers recommendations for businesses on how to integrate social sustainability into their CSR strategies effectively, emphasizing the need for genuine commitment and stakeholder engagement. The transformative potential of CSR initiatives in achieving sustainable development and fostering positive social change.


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DOI: 10.36676/irt.v10.i3.1471
Published: 2024-09-05

How to Cite

Iyengar, S. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Social Sustainability Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives. Innovative Research Thoughts, 10(3), 131–137.