The Role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


  • Dr. Meenu Assistant Professor S.R.M College of Education



Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artificial Intelligence (AI)Linear Algebra


Mathematics serves as the foundational backbone of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), providing the essential tools and frameworks for developing sophisticated algorithms and models. the pivotal role of various mathematical disciplines, including linear algebra, calculus, probability theory, and optimization, in advancing AI and ML technologies. We begin by examining how linear algebra facilitates the manipulation and transformation of high-dimensional data, which is crucial for techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and singular value decomposition (SVD). Next, we delve into the applications of calculus in training neural networks through gradient-based optimization methods, highlighting the importance of differentiation and integration in backpropagation and loss function minimization. the role of probability theory in handling uncertainty and making predictions, emphasizing its application in Bayesian networks, Markov decision processes, and probabilistic graphical models. Additionally, we discuss optimization techniques, both convex and non-convex, that are fundamental to finding optimal solutions in machine learning tasks, including support vector machines (SVMs) and deep learning architectures.


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DOI: 10.36676/irt.v10.i3.1434
Published: 2024-07-28

How to Cite

Dr. Meenu. (2024). The Role of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Innovative Research Thoughts, 10(3), 60–65.