Water Framing Network in Central Mexico during the COVID-19 era


  • José Marcos Bustos Aguayo
  • Cruz García-Lirios




Scarcity, quality, malaise, full and cost


The press, by spreading the availability of resources, shortages linked with preservation. In this sense, the work explores nine briefings from 2002 to 2022 published in national newspapers regarding the lack of supply, quality, benefit, punishment and discomfort as a consequence of the water situation in a demarcation east of Mexico City. Index Framing the water situation (IESH) was used to weight the media bias in information note by content reaching a value of 102 points out of a total of 180. This finding was considered as evidence of a moderate degree of media coverage the press regarding the problems arising from water shortages. From the results discussed its implications with other studies conducted in the demarcation.


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DOI: 10.36676/irt.v9.i5.1429
Published: 2024-07-24

How to Cite

Aguayo, J. M. B., & Lirios , C. G.-. (2024). Water Framing Network in Central Mexico during the COVID-19 era . Innovative Research Thoughts, 9(5), 165–211. https://doi.org/10.36676/irt.v9.i5.1429