
  • Carol Tomlin Leeds University
  • Ericcson Mapfumo Independent Scholar
  • Paul C. Mocombe West Virginia State University The Mocombeian Foundation




Ideological domination, Capitalism, Underclass, Globalization, Feminism, Theory, phenomenological structuralism, structurationism, masculine studies, gender studies Introduction


This article posits that the shift from industrial capitalism to postindustrial capitalism in the West has led to what Mocombe deems emasculated and feminine patriarchy, the assumption of patriarchal norms by the state, its ideological apparatuses, and women (given the feminization of the postindustrial workplace) from individual men whose masculinity is no longer associated with being producer and provider as it was under industrial capitalism; instead, they have been interpellated and embourgeoised to define their masculinity as sensitive entrepreneurs and consumers.  The work concludes that this has led to the emasculation of men, by removing their patriarchal norms and authorities over the family, which do not disappear; instead, the latter has been assumed by the state, women, and queer folks operating through ideology, state ideological apparatuses, and communicative discourse.


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DOI: 10.36676/irt.v8.i3.1426
Published: 2022-09-30

How to Cite

Carol Tomlin, Ericcson Mapfumo, & Paul C. Mocombe. (2022). EMASCULATED PATRIARCHY. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(3), 272–284. https://doi.org/10.36676/irt.v8.i3.1426