Make in India Key sector, Pillars and Challenges


  • Singh V


Skill Development, Research and Development, Manufacturing Hub.


Make in India Campaign is an initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014 by addressing a mass audience including both national and international entrepreneurs in New Delhi. This is an international marketing strategy conceptualized by the PM of India to attract investments from businesses all over the world and transforming India into a global manufacturing Hub. For promoting this campaign the web portal, logo and brochures are used for detailing 25 priority sectors of the economy. The objective behind this initiative is to focus on job creation, skill development and innovation and to align India’s manufacturing sector into the Global Value Chain by encouraging Public Private Partnership (PPP), Joint Ventures (JV), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow, and advancing Ease in Doing Business (EDB). Higher education will also play a significant role in improving the quality of Research and Development (R&D). This scheme focuses on acceleration of economic growth to the new heights and to pull back the economy from clutches of recession. Currently India’s GDP is heavily tilted in favor of service sector. The present study is based on secondary data. The data has been extracted from the various sources like research articles, publications from Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, various bulletins of RBI and authenticated websites. The study found that, Make in India will bring a drastic change in the fields like automobiles, aviation, biotechnology, defense, media, thermal power, oil, gas and manufacturing sectors. Thus, we can conclude that, despite the fact that “Make in India” though came at a right time, its execution remains a big challenge.


Bal M. Make-in-India & Higher Education Policy: the Way Forward. Retrieved from, 2014. website: ?val=November_2014_1416812538_173.pdf

Soundhariya S. Make in India – Scheme For Transforming India. Retrieved from, 2015 website: =MzY3MQ==&b1=265&k=67

Das S. Make in India- A Boost to the Manufacturing Sector. Retrieved from website: 23/news/64772859_1_ a. m- sipsmotherson-sumi-systems-investment-proposals. indiaexperts-1831762. : html 218620334--make-in-india-campaign -opportunities and-challenges. dra-modis-make-in-india campaign-fivechallenges_109098.html




How to Cite

Singh, V. (2017). Make in India Key sector, Pillars and Challenges. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(6), 84–87. Retrieved from