Role of sleep-in immunity: Ayurveda perspective


  • Dr Ritesh MD (KRIYA SHARIR), Ayurvedic Medical Officer, Ayush Department Haryana
  • Dr Sandeep Kumar MD (KAUMARBHRITYA ), Ayurvedic Medical Officer, Ayush Department Haryana
  • Dr Shital Chinchalkar MS (Ayu)


Immunity, Ayurveda, Vyadhikshamatva, Bala, Ojas, Sleep, Nidra


Like proper diet, proper sleep is also essential for the maintenance of good health. Most people these days do not know how much sleep is needed and place themselves and sometimes others at risk for medical problems. Ayurveda is one of the oldest and most successful medical traditions still in use today. Maintaining good health in the healthy and restoring health to the sick are the two primary goals of Ayurvedic medicine. The principles and practices of sleep & immunity mentioned in several traditional Ayurvedic text books including Brihattrayee, Laghutrayee, their commentaries, and published research papers are used as the basis for this review. Dincharya (daily routine), Ritucharya, healthy nutrition, exercise, certain foods like milk, Rasayana's like Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), meditation, Yoga-pranayama, and Achara Rasayana (good conduct of behaviour). are few of the immune moderators recommended by Ayurveda. Unlike the idea of contemporary medicine, which focuses on immunization against a single infectious agent or illness, Vyaadhiksamatva encompasses a far broader notion of generalized immunity in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, sleep is one of the important pillars (upastambha traya) which sustain life. To better grasp the Ayurvedic stance proper sleep for healthy immune system we provide here a complete analysis of the relevant ancient literature of Ayurveda.


R.K.Sharma,Bhagwan Dash; charaksamhita English translation; vol 1; Varanasi;ChowkhambaSanskrit Series office;2009; Sutrasthana 21/35; page no. 381

Kavirajkunjalalbhishagratna; Sushruta Samhita English translation; 2nd edition; Varanasi;published by Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series office; 2002;sharirasthana 4/34,35; pageno.174

Gaur Banwarilal, Ashtang Hrudaya, Sutrasthana 7/64, 1st Edition ChoukhambhaOrientalia, Varanasi 2010.

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Charak Samhita, Dr. B.K. Dwivedi, , Ashtoninditiya Adhyaya, Dr. Laxmidhar Dwivedi, editor. With Ayurvedadipika commentary, 2017

R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash; charaksamhita English translation; vol 1; Varanasi;ChowkhambaSanskrit Series office;2009; Sutrasthana 21/38; page no. 381

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Billiard M. Sleep Physiology, Investigations, and Medicine. New York, KluwerAcademic/Plenum Publishers, 2003




How to Cite

Dr Ritesh, Kumar , D. S., & Dr Shital Chinchalkar. (2018). Role of sleep-in immunity: Ayurveda perspective. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(3), 422–426. Retrieved from