Software Planning and Estimation Process : A Review


  • Singh S


Software Planning and Estimation Process


Software planning involves estimating how much time, effort, money, and resources will be required to build a specific software system. After the project scope is determined and the problem is decomposed into smaller problems, software managers use historical project data (as well as personal experience and intuition) to determine estimates for each. The final estimates are typically adjusted by taking project complexity and risk into account. The resulting work product is called a project management plan. Managers will not know that they have done a good job estimating until the project post mortem. It is essential to track resources and revise estimates as a project progresses.


Pressman R. S. , “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”, Tata McGraw Hill.

Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Pearson Education.

Pfleeger, “Software Engineering: Theory and Practice”, Pearson Education.

P. Jalote, “An Integrated approach to Software Engineering”, Narosa Publications.




How to Cite

Singh, S. (2017). Software Planning and Estimation Process : A Review. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(6), 65–69. Retrieved from