Review on eco-friendly natural dyeing, different types of chemical bonds and its role in dyeing


  • Pooja Kumari Department of Fashion Technology B.P.S Mahila University, khanpur kalan (sonepat),Haryana,India.
  • Kavita Sharma Department of Fashion Technology B.P.S Mahila University, khanpur kalan (sonepat),Haryana,India
  • Dr. Lalit Jajpura Department of Fashion Technology B.P.S Mahila University, khanpur kalan (sonepat),Haryana,India
  • Neetu Rani Department of Fashion Technology B.P.S Mahila University, khanpur kalan (sonepat),Haryana,India


Dye, Mordant, Extraction Method, Technique Of Dyeing, Chemical Bonds, Fastness, Colour Measurement


Colour is a very important property of materials around us but we often neglect its study socially and scientifically. We perceive colour just as we perceive things like taste, smell, and touch etc. colour can influence our emotions, actions and how we respond to various things, people and ideas. Colour is extremely versatile in its uses. It can be used to make a statement, create an atmosphere, or call forth a response. Colour expresses outwards towards the world, but it also helps us to travel inwards towards spiritual states, towards our true self. This review paper reports the studies of natural dyestuff and its classification on the basis of hues, origin, chemical structure and method of application, extraction method of colorants ; effects of different mordants and mordanting methods; Natural Dyeing and mordants effect on fabrics with functionality, techniques of dyeing, adsorption process of dye ,different chemical bonds and its role in dyeing, fastness of textile dye, colour measurement, environmental concerns, advantages and disadvantages etc.







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How to Cite

Kumari, P., Sharma , K., Jajpura, D. L., & Rani, N. (2016). Review on eco-friendly natural dyeing, different types of chemical bonds and its role in dyeing. Innovative Research Thoughts, 2(1), 1–9. Retrieved from