An eco-feminist reading of Mahasweta Devi


  • Dr. Dinesh Sharma Principal, R.S.D. College, Ferozepur City


Eco-Feminist, India, Breast-Giver etc


Some people's dissent is a way of life. When Mahasweta Devi isn't fighting for her beliefs as a political activist or academic or journalist or creative writer, she's outspoken. In India, she is widely regarded as one of the country's leading literary figures. As a prolific novelist, playwright, short storey collection, and children's book author, she has penned over a hundred volumes. In addition to Bengali, she has also translated her writings into English and other languages. She was inspired to become a writer and an activist because of the harsh realities and systemic injustice she witnessed. Bengali People's Theatre movement of Bengal, after Naxalite uprising of 1950s and her first-hand contact with Bihar, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh tribals affected her life and profession.


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How to Cite

Sharma, D. D. (2018). An eco-feminist reading of Mahasweta Devi. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(1), 342–346. Retrieved from