Isolation and characterization of Lupeol from stems of Girardinia diversifolia


  • C. J. Singh Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC), New Delhi
  • Dr. Nisha Tripathi Sanjeevani Foundation for Health Education & Environment Research Action (SFHEERA), New Delhi
  • Dr. Rakesh Singh Department of Chemistry, D.B.S. P.G. College, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
  • Dr. Vartika Singh Amity University of Global Warming and Ecological Studies(AIGWES), Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
  • K. Rathna Faculty of finance, Himalayan University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
  • S.T.S. Lepcha Sanjeevani Foundation for Health Education & Environment Research Action (SFHEERA), New Delhi
  • Dr. Santosh Kumar Sharma National Medicinal Plant Board (NMPB), New Delhi
  • Dr. Ravinder Kumar Saini Himalayan Garhwal University, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand
  • Richa Singh Sanjeevani Foundation for Health Education & Environment Research Action (SFHEERA), New Delhi
  • Sanjay Singh Sanjeevani Foundation for Health Education & Environment Research Action (SFHEERA), New Delhi
  • Dr. Priya Shukla LBS Kota, Rajasthan


Girardinia diversifolia, Lupeic stuol, spectroscopdies.


Girardinia diversifolia, growing abundantly in the Middle Himalayas, belongs to the family Urticaceae and commonly known as ‘Dans kandali’ in Uttarakhand. A phytochemical investigation of the plant was carried out to ascertain the biochemical setup of the plants. Lupeol, a bioactive triterpenoid, was isolated from the stem extract of Girardinia diversifolia for the first time by extraction and isolation through spectroscopic studies. Present paper discusses the extraction techniques, characterization, chemical and biological properties of the Lupeol and its industrial potential which can be used for taking up future research and development activities for strengthening the existing pharmacological sciences besides, refining and utilizing traditional knowledge for the welfare of the society.


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How to Cite

Singh, C. J., Tripathi, D. N., Singh, D. R., Singh, D. V., K. Rathna, S.T.S. Lepcha, … Shukla, D. P. (2018). Isolation and characterization of Lupeol from stems of Girardinia diversifolia. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(1), 307–313. Retrieved from