Inclusive Sports and Physical Activity Programmes for Persons with Disabilities


  • Dr. Jitender Kumar Assistant Professor of Physical Education Ch. Ranbir Singh University, Jind. Abstract:


Inclusion, People with Disabilities


Since sports is associated not only with social inclusion, but also with physical well being and the enhancement of self-esteem. It is crucial to understand it as a right and to consider access and participation in sports. Participation of people with disabilities in disability-specific sporting activities is to be considered as a part of an inclusion spectrum. The aim of the research was to provide inclusive settings to the people with disabilities in making their independent choice to participate in sports in the way that they want to and with whom they want to participate.


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How to Cite

Kumar, D. J. (2018). Inclusive Sports and Physical Activity Programmes for Persons with Disabilities. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(1), 294–296. Retrieved from