Study about Streedhan, Rights of a Woman over her Streedhan, and Description in Section 406 IPC


  • Dr Rakesh Kumari Assistant Professor, South Point College of Law, Sonipat


Streedhan, Description


The principal sources from which property can be acquired by a Hindu female are inheritance, partition, gifts, bequests, adverse possession and property given in lieu of maintenance.
As regards property acquired by a Hindu female from other sources, the question whether such property is Streedhana or not is to be determined by the status of such woman and the school to which she belongs. According to the Dayabhaga and Mithila schools, gifts or bequests from strangers during coverture are not Streedhana. But, according to the Dayabhaga, if the woman survives her husband, such property becomes Streedhana after the husband’s death.


What are the Sources from which Property can be acquired by a Hindu Family? by darshan kadu

Streedhan’ is woman’s exclusive property: SC by Krishnadas Rajagopal

Women can claim Streedhan even after separation from husband: Supreme Court by Amit Anand Choudhary




How to Cite

Kumari, D. R. (2017). Study about Streedhan, Rights of a Woman over her Streedhan, and Description in Section 406 IPC. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(6), 18–20. Retrieved from