The Impact of Population Growth on Development Economics - Review of India


  • Mrs. Monika (M.A. Eco, M.Phil., NET) Extension Lecturer in Economics Deshbandhu Gupta Govt. College Panipat


Over-population, GDP


ndia has the world's second-highest population. According to population forecasts, India will vertake China as the most populated nation in the world in little over a decade. In 2017, its opulation growth rate of 1.13 percent placed it 112th globally. In 2017, the typical Indian will e 29 years old. Expanding the human population is both the means and the objective of economic progress. When their numbers are just right, they're an advantage, but if they're too ig, they become a burden. India's population has become too large and is now a burden on the country. Consequently, India's rising population is a major barrier to effective economic lanning and
growth. Researchers discovered a strong link between India's population and DP. The researcher has compiled the population and SGDP of each state to see whether the wo are correlated. There is no link between India's yearly population increase and the country's nflation rate, according to the study. India's rising cost of living can't be traced back to the country's burgeoning population. Some other variables may have an impact on inflation. In eality, as the population of India rises, so does the country's gross domestic product (GDP), as e can see from the data. However, India's GDP has increased rapidly over the last two decades espite the country's burgeoning population. India has the world's third-largest GDP (PPP) at 10.40 trillion, but its population growth has left it ranked just 116th in per capita income and 30th in HDI. The rapid growth of the human population has a negative impact on living conditions everywhere. Increased land pressure and environmental degradation, as well as igher rates of unemployment, lower incomes per person, and difficulty forming capital all tem from a population that is too large for the available resources.


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How to Cite

Mrs. Monika. (2017). The Impact of Population Growth on Development Economics - Review of India. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(11), 584–590. Retrieved from