Elementary Education in India


  • Dr. Mukesh Kumar Assistant professor, Babe ke college of education, Daudhar, Moga


Elementary Education, Management Structures


Elementary education is crucial because it builds the basis upon which a person's learning is built. There have been plans and programmes implemented that focus on the beginning of primary education for children from disadvantaged, marginalised, and socioeconomically backward parts of society. We want to learn more about the significance of elementary education in India by doing this study. To ensure that all children had access to free and “compulsory education” until they were 14 years old by 1950, “Article 45 of the Directive Principles of State Policy” stated that the State should strive to do so. India has sought to improve its efforts at universal elementary education multiple times since then, including every “Five Year Plan, the 1968 National Policy on Education, and the modified 1992 National Policy on Education (UEE).”


Mehta, A.C. (2011). Elementary Education in India. National University of Educational Planning and Administration. Retrieved January 11, 2018 from http://dise.in/Downloads/Publications/Publications%202008-09/AR%202008- 09/Introduction.pdf

Mukhopadhyay, R., Ramkumar, N., & Vasavi, A.R. (2009). Management of Elementary Education. Structures and Strategies. National University of Educational Planning and Administration. Retrieved January 12, 2018 from http://www.educationforallinindia.com/management-of-elementary-education-in-india.pdf

Shiva Kumar, A.K., & Rustagi, P. (2010). Elementary Education in India: Progress, Setbacks and Challenges. Oxham India Working Papers Series. Retrieved January 11, 2018 from https://www.oxfamindia.org/sites/default/files/ Challenges.pdf




How to Cite

Kumar, D. M. (2017). Elementary Education in India. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(11), 520–525. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1240