Yoga's impact on athletes' flexibility and range of motion


  • Prit Pal Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Kalinga University, Raipur
  • Dr. Atul Shukla Professor, Department of Physical Education, Kalinga University, Raipur


Yoga Athletes, Body awareness,, Range of motion, Mind-body connection, Breath, mental resilience, mindful breathing


Yoga improves athletes' flexibility and range of motion in a more abstract and holistic way. Yoga's physical postures (asanas) increase flexibility, but it also includes abstract components that improve athletes' well-being and performance. Yoga emphasises mind-body connection. Yoga increases bodily awareness in athletes. This awareness helps them find and fix tension, stiffness, and asymmetries that limit their range of motion. Athletes may develop flexibility and range of motion by listening to their bodies and adapting their training and recuperation techniques. Yoga teaches athletes to breathe throughout poses and movements. Conscious breathing helps muscles relax, relaxes, and extends deeper. Athletes may gain flexibility and avoid injuries by synchronising their breath with their actions. Yoga also helps athletes mentally and emotionally. Stress and anxiety may impair performance and health in high-level sports. Yoga's contemplative techniques like mindfulness and meditation help athletes focus, calm, and concentrate. They may now practise and compete calmly, improving their performance. Yoga philosophy teaches athletes to live and exercise with balance and compassion. Athletes are taught to avoid overtraining and overexertion, which may cause injuries and reduce flexibility and range of motion, by practising ahimsa, tapas, and santosha. Instead, they listen to their bodies, respect their limits, and practise patience, developing a lifetime dedication to athletic excellence. Yoga improves athletes' flexibility and range of motion beyond the physical. Yoga incorporates bodily awareness, mindful breathing, mental resilience, and philosophical ideals to help athletes improve their performance and well-being. Yoga may help players reach their full potential on and off the field.


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How to Cite

Prit Pal, & Dr. Atul Shukla. (2022). Yoga’s impact on athletes’ flexibility and range of motion. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(4), 287–292. Retrieved from