
  • Dr. SUJATA CHAUHAN Deptt. of Psychology, Govt. College, Bassi , Jaipur(Raj.) Corresponding author


HRM practices, psychological testing, disparencies, recruitment, resource management, environment, organizational


As organizations strive to maintain competitiveness and survive in an ever changing and dynamic market environment, our human capital (people) have never been of such importance to organizational success. Through selecting, recruiting, training and harnessing the right talent, competitive advantage may be achieved. Recruitment and selection is indeed an expensive, time consuming and sometimes unproductive task to undertake. It is a necessary yet often unyielding process if not approached in the correct manner and with the appropriate tools. In an attempt to identify the most effective and appropriate selection technique a study was undertaken into the effectiveness of intelligence testing. In this paper, we have presents the various requirement of psychological test for selection of human resource management in another corporate sectors.


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How to Cite

Dr. SUJATA CHAUHAN. (2022). ETHICS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING IN HRM PARCTICES: NOVEL APPROACH. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(4), 235–244. Retrieved from