Mahatma Gandhi’s Thoughts and its Reflection on Indian School Education


  • Mangat Ram Research Scholar, Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh


Non- Violence, Satyagraha, Craft-centered, Sarvodaya, Mahatma Gandhi, discrimination


Mahatma Gandhi was a great Indian educationist and freedom fighter. He loves humanity. Truth and non-violence are the spirit of his philosophy. He was an idealist, naturalist as well pragmatist in practical life. He started a basic education scheme in the Indian education system for the all-around development of people. He is idealist in discipline, naturalistic in the learning experience, and pragmatic in lifestyle. Modern school education experiences and practices are reflections of Gandhi Ji’s thoughts. He wanted Ram Rajya in a country where everyone has equal opportunities to grow up maximum in spite of discrimination in region, language, color, religion, caste, and culture. Indian school education is highly influenced by the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi. 


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How to Cite

Mangat Ram. (2022). Mahatma Gandhi’s Thoughts and its Reflection on Indian School Education. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(4), 8–14. Retrieved from