Black Feminism: Treatment of Women in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple


  • Dr. Rakhee Rani Assistant Professor C.R.M. Jat College, Hisar.


black feminism, gender biasness, black movement, suffering, hardships, protagonist, racism and sexism


Alice Walker is one of the prominent Afro-American writers. Her novel The Color Purple (1982) deals with the sufferings of black women. Time and again, numerous writers have written about male's dominance over women. However, the fiction of Walker presents a feminist perspective. The present paper highlights the issues of characters from a womanist perspective. It also focuses on the females' struggle who belong to the black society. The present paper questions the class struggle among the black society and the utopian female world. It also throws light on the racism and sexism that work together to disgrace women’s role and existence. The journey of the protagonist in the novel shows the dominance of the traditional gender roles. As a black woman herself, Alice Walker brings to light the hardships of black women in the current novel, The Color Purple.


Brown, E.L. Womanist Consciousness: Maggie Lena Walker and The Independent order of Saint Luke, 1989. (On- line), available:

• De Beauvior, S.I. The Second Sex. England: Penguin Books. 1994.

• Showalter, E. A Criticism of Our Own. Autonomy and Assimilation in Afro-American and Feminist Literary Theory. New Jersey: Rutgers UP. 1997.

• Smith, Pamela A. “Green lap, brown embrace, blue body: the eco spirituality of Alice

• Walker-Afro-American author.” Cross Currents (1998): 1-12. Find 21 Jan

• 2011 .

• Stallworth, Monikka. “An Interview with Alice Walker.” 3 Jan. 2011. <>.

• Tyson, L. Critical Theory Today : a user –friendly guide. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc.,2006.

• Watkins, Mel. “Some Letters Went to God.” The New York Times: 01 Jan. 2011 < >.

• Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. London: Orien Books Ltd, 1982.




How to Cite

Dr. Rakhee Rani. (2022). Black Feminism: Treatment of Women in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(3), 2450249. Retrieved from