Digital Libraries: Fostering Sustainable Development and the Key Role of Librarians.


  • Prashant Research Scholar Om Sterling Global University


Digital Libraries, Sustainable Development, Librarians, Access To Information, Economic Development, Environmental Benefits


Digital libraries are increasingly recognized as an important tool in promoting sustainable development, as they provide access to vast information and knowledge resources that can be used to drive progress in various fields. In this regard, librarians play a critical role in facilitating equitable access to these resources and in using digital libraries to support education, innovation, research and preservation of cultural heritage. This paper aims to explore the multiple possibilities of digital libraries to contribute to sustainable development and to highlight the key role of librarians in this process. Through a comprehensive analysis of the relevant literature, case studies and expert insights, we examine the multiple benefits of digital libraries, such as: Encouraging lifelong learning, facilitating research, empowering communities and preserving cultural heritage need to be addressed in order to realize the full potential of digital libraries in promoting sustainable development. These include issues of funding, capacity building and ensuring equitable access to digital resources, particularly in the context of developing countries. We argue that librarians, as key players in the digital library ecosystem, play a crucial role in addressing these challenges and promoting sustainable development through digital libraries. This requires a concerted and coordinated effort by librarians, policy makers and other stakeholders to ensure that digital libraries are used effectively and equitably to achieve sustainable development goals. Librarians play a key role in this process and offers recommendations to strengthen the role of digital libraries in promoting sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Prashant. (2022). Digital Libraries: Fostering Sustainable Development and the Key Role of Librarians. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(3), 228–236. Retrieved from