Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A review


  • Dr. Dalbir Singh M.A. in Geography, Ph.D. Lecturer in Geography (HES-II)


Visegrad Four countries, geographical thought, human geography, global changes


When we look back at the evolution of human geography over a longer period of time, we can see that there was a general trend toward combining concepts that originated inside the subject with those that were brought in from other areas. It is significantly impacted by a variety of impulses stemming from the dynamically changing environment around it. presents a concise overview of the difficulties facing human geography and places them in the perspective of paradigmatic development as well as changes in economic, social, cultural, environmental, political, and technological systems. It gives a concise overview of the arguments that human geographers have been having about what their field may or should research in the not too distant future and how this could be accomplished. writers from Visegrad share their thoughts and opinions. There are now four nations focusing their emphasis on the future direction of human geography. The next few decades are not expected to be characterised by the dominance of a single paradigm in the field of human geography; nonetheless, a conversation on how to create a common ground for the integration of paradigms in the field of geography is likely to continue. The primary sources of inspiration for human geographic research are likely to include shifting hierarchical structures, significant modernization processes, as well as local, regional, and global changes that influence the space-time behavioural patterns of humans. This can be expected to be one of the most important aspects of the field.


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How to Cite

Dr. Dalbir Singh. (2022). Challenges and opportunities for human geography: A review. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(3), 86–95. Retrieved from