Agricultural storage Infrastructure in Haryana : An Overview
technological infrastructure, agricultural, economy, value-added services, Haryana bordersAbstract
Saving grain equals producing grain. When one considers the amount of agricultural food that is wasted or lost after harvest as a result of poor supply chain management, these wise statements seem like ordinary proverbs. Post-harvest losses of this magnitude can be attributed to a number of factors, including inadequate warehousing, redundant food processing technologies, and a lack of value-added services for farmers due to a lack of scientific storage facilities and inefficient transportation. For their own consumption and usage, farmers are believed to hold roughly 65 percent of their entire harvest in a rudimentary and unscientific fashion. “In 2016–17, Haryana had the third highest per capita income in India, at 214,509 (US$3,300), compared to the national average of 112,432 (US$1,800). The state's estimated GSDP of US$95 billion in 2017-18 (52 percent services, 30 percent industries, and 18 percent agriculture) is boosted by 30 SEZs (mainly along DMIC, ADKIC, and DWPE in NCR), 7% national agricultural exports, 60% of national Basmati rice export, 67 percent cars, 60 motorcycles, 50 tractors, and 50 percent tractors. A City Mayors Foundation poll ranked Faridabad ninth globally and third in India. With respect to IT growth and current technological infrastructure, Gurugram is India's No. 1 and No. 2 respectively It is surrounded by Himachal Pradesh to the north-east, the Yamuna to the east, Rajasthan to the west and south, and the Ghaggar-Hakra River to the north. Because Haryana borders Delhi on three sides (north, west, and south), it is included in the National Capital Region for planning and development reasons.
Agri logistics/warehousing opportunities and challenges by BB Pattanaik, Managing Director, Central Warehousing Corporation
FCI admits 1.94 LMT food grain wasted between 2005-13 – The Hindu, February 12, 2014 accessed on 30 September 2014
Global food waste not, want not – Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, January 2013
Poverty estimate based on mixed recall,, an open government data platform accessed on 21 Jan 2015
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Richa Sharma (2014), Grain is in bulk storage – A status report, National Institute of food technology entrepreneurship and management
Report of working group on warehousing development and regulation for the twelfth plan period (2012-17), GoI, Planning Commission, October 2011
Report on the excess food grains in the go downs of the FCI and State civil supplies corporations by Dr NC Saxena, Commissioner and Harsh Mander, Special Commissioner of the Supreme Court in the case of PUCL Vs UOI & ORS. Writ petition (Civil) No.196 of 2001
Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on Performance audit of storage management and movement of food grains in FCI, 2013
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