The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Financial Markets




Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Financial Markets, Algorithmic Trading, Automation


The remarkable upheaval spurred by the incorporation of AI and ML technology into financial markets has changed the very nature of trade and investing. This abstract delves into the intangible effects of AI and ML on the financial markets, tracing the evolution of these technologies across time. Automated Trading Algorithms. Trades were executed at record speeds and quantities by AI-powered systems, ushering in algorithmic trading and automation in the first wave. As a result of the change, transaction costs dropped and market liquidity increased. The algorithms, powered by ML models, mined massive datasets for actionable insights that enhanced decision making and reduced risk. Analytics for Foresight and Market Analysis. The second wave emerged when businesses started using tools like predictive analytics and market sentiment analysis, made possible by improvements in AI and ML. By analysing both previous and current market data for trends and patterns, these tools improved the predictive power of investors and traders. Since the advent of sentiment research, it has been much easier to read the minds of investors and predict market behaviour. Portfolio Optimization using Reinforcement Learning. In the third phase, reinforcement learning began to be used in the financial sector. The adaptive methods made possible by reinforcement learning algorithms' ability to learn from their own actions and market input allowed for the dynamic optimization of portfolios. These smart systems beat conventional investing strategies by providing superior diversification, risk-adjusted returns, and liquidity. Barriers to AI Development and Government Regulation. Regulators and market players have been pushing for interpretability and transparency as AI and ML have grown in complexity and impact.


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How to Cite

SHIV BANSAL. (2021). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Financial Markets. Innovative Research Thoughts, 7(4), 217–222. Retrieved from