
  • Dr. Rahul Kant Principal A. M. College of Education Majra Sheoraj


Emotional maturity, adaptation and change in adolescence, adolescent


This study attempts to compare the emotional maturity of adolescents by gender, region, school type, SC and Non SC. Data were collected from various public and private high schools located in urban and rural areas of Rewari of Haryana, where 500 males and females were trained by the researcher. Data were blank and corresponded to the maturity scale developed by Singh and Bhargava (1993). , the results showed that the differences in emotional maturity of males and females were not significant, but there were significant differences in adolescent emotional maturity by rural/urban background, public/private school and scheduled/ non-scheduled castes.


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How to Cite

Dr. Rahul Kant. (2021). EMOTIONAL MATURITY DURING ADOLESCENCE IS ASSOCIATED WITH CHANGES IN SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES. Innovative Research Thoughts, 7(4), 212–216. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1086