Intellectual property rights Trade and Industry


  • Sushma Rani Associate Professor of Commerce Pt. CLS Govt. College, Karnal
  • Manisha Sachar Associate Professor of Commerce Pt. CLS Govt. College, Karnal


Intellectual property rights (IPRs), Patents, Copyright, Trademarks


This article presents a comprehensive investigation of the function and importance of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in the context of commercial and industrial activity. The efficient protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) are essential for the cultivation of creative endeavours, the promotion of investment, and the facilitation of international commerce. Intellectual property (IP) is a vital engine of innovation and economic progress. This investigates several facets of intellectual property rights, including their legal underpinnings, kinds, economic ramifications, problems, and future possibilities. Additionally, the link between intellectual property rights (IPRs) and a variety of sectors, including agriculture, entertainment, technology, and medicines, is investigated. This study adds to a thorough knowledge of the topic by illuminating the intricate relationship that exists among intellectual property rights (IPRs), industry, and commerce.


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How to Cite

Sushma Rani, & Manisha Sachar. (2021). Intellectual property rights Trade and Industry. Innovative Research Thoughts, 7(4), 193–198. Retrieved from