"A study on Human Resource Practices, Retention, and Job Satisfaction in the Information Technology Industry: Basis for Employee Retention Program"


  • Vikas Kumar Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Shaheed Mangal Pandey Govt. Girls P.G. College, Meerut
  • Priya Gupta Research Scholar (Commerce) Shaheed Mangal Pandey Govt. Girls P.G. College, Meerut


Human Resource, Practices


In the IT industry, staff retention has been difficult because of the high turnover rate. In an effort to better understand the factors that impact employee retention and turnover, a number of researches have been conducted. Employee retention is directly linked to HR procedures. In other words, this suggests that employee motivation and work satisfaction are entirely the result of HR procedures. Human resources policies tailored to the demands of IT workers should be the foundation of any programme aimed at enhancing staff retention or lowering employee turnover. IT professionals are highly sought after in countries with established technology and service industries. A number of laws and ordinances have been passed in the Philippines to promote information technology and relevant professions in the economy as well as to enhance worker capacity.


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How to Cite

Kumar, V., & Gupta, P. (2021). "A study on Human Resource Practices, Retention, and Job Satisfaction in the Information Technology Industry: Basis for Employee Retention Program". Innovative Research Thoughts, 7(4), 15–24. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1059