Underwater Image Quality Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction Weighting Distribution


  • Er. Charanjeet Kaur M.tech Scholar Deptt. of CSE, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo
  • Rachna Rajput Assistant Professor Deptt. of CSE, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo


Image enhancement, HE


In the technique known as Adaptive gamma correction using weighting distribution (AGCWD) was presented that modify histograms and enhance contrast in digital images. The AGC method increases low intensity and avoids significant decrement of high intensity. The nature of underwater picture is poor because of the properties of water and its contaminations. The properties of water reason lessening of light goes through the water medium, bringing about low complexity, obscure, inhomogeneous lighting, and shading decreasing of the underwater pictures. New proposed a system for improving the nature of underwater picture. Common histogram leveling uses the same change got from the picture histogram to change all pixels. This functions admirably when the conveyance of pixel qualities is comparable all through the picture. When the picture contains areas that are altogether lighter or darker than the majority of the picture, the complexity in those districts won't be adequately upgraded. The goal is to improve the underwater pictures differentiation while safeguarding picture brilliance and gives better visual quality and PSNR esteem. We getting a better result using PSNR, MSE, AMBE parameters. In future work, we will also apply CLAHE on L*A*B color space and compare the results on different color spaces. we would also like to test our method for underwater videos.


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How to Cite

Kaur, E. C., & Rajput, R. (2021). Underwater Image Quality Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction Weighting Distribution. Innovative Research Thoughts, 7(2), 38–44. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1038