Feature Selection Based on Hybrid Technique in Intrusion Detection KDDCup’s99 dataset


  • Pavan kaur M.tech-IT, Research Scholar, Talwandi Sabo(Bathinda)
  • Dr. Dinesh kumar Associate Professor, Department of CSEGKU, Talwandi Sabo(Bathinda)


Hybrid Technique


Interruption location has turn into a basic segment of system organization because of the immeasurable number of assaults relentlessly debilitate our PCs. Customary interruption recognition frameworks are restricted and do not give a complete answer for the issue. They hunt down potential noxious exercises on system traffics; they once in a while succeed to discover genuine security assaults and oddities. Nonetheless, much of the time, they neglect to identify noxious practices (false negative) or they fire alerts when nothing incorrectly in the system (false positive). Moreover, they require comprehensive manual preparing and human master obstruction. Applying Data Mining (DM) strategies on system movement information is a promising arrangement that helps grow better interruption identification frameworks. Experimental results on the KDDCup’99 data set have demonstrated that our rare class predictive models are much more efficient in the detection of intrusive behavior than standard classification techniques.


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How to Cite

kaur, P., & kumar, D. D. (2021). Feature Selection Based on Hybrid Technique in Intrusion Detection KDDCup’s99 dataset. Innovative Research Thoughts, 7(2), 23–30. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/1036