To ascertain the attitudes and perceptions of people towards solid waste management.


  • Vikas Singh


attitudes, waste management


Bundelkhand is one of the poorer part of the Uttar Pradesh but it is very important for the Uttar Pradesh politically and economically. But the condition of the environmental sanitation and waste management is very poor in the said region. Though, the efforts are being done in this regard but no solid reforms have been observed. Therefore, The study done to identify the problems of solid waste management in Bundelkhand. The two broad types of data, the secondary and primary data were used in the study. Interviews and personal observations were also used to collect some of the data. Factors impeding the effective and efficient solid waste management were identified. Wrong attitudes and perceptions of the people about sanitation issues contributed to solid waste management problems of Bundelkhand.. Majority of the households did not educate their members on the need to clean their surroundings. A greater percentage of the household did not have a toilet facility.


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How to Cite

Singh, V. (2020). To ascertain the attitudes and perceptions of people towards solid waste management. Innovative Research Thoughts, 6(5), 88–98. Retrieved from