Review of Global Talent Management


  • Deep Singh


management, Global Talent


One of the most significant developments in people management over the past fifteen years has been the focus on effectively managing the individuals who are most important to the strategic success of companies, both domestic and international. This focus has taken the general labels of “talent management” or more popularly, “global talent management.” This report is about the broader and more encompassing label global talent management (GTM). Because of its importance, there have been many academic and HR practitioner papers and reports published on global talent management, but because of its recency, there are many viewpoints as to what it really is, what it covers and what things remain to be explored and developed in the years ahead. So in this white paper we would like to do several things



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How to Cite

Singh, D. (2020). Review of Global Talent Management. Innovative Research Thoughts, 6(5), 60–75. Retrieved from