
  • Prof (Dr) Punam Miglani Principal, National College of Education Sirsa, Haryana


analyzed, legal rights for women, disharmony in life


The present paper is based on the study conducted on the role of Law codes for the protection as well as empowerment of women in Indian society. As compared with the past, women in modern times have achieved a lot but in reality, they have to still travel a long way. The modern Indian women have honed their skills and jumped into a battlefield of life fighting against social restrictions, emotional ties, religious boundaries and cultural clutches. In the present study, the random sample comprised of 30 Women: 15 from working group and 15 from non working group. Face to face interaction i.e. (Interview) with each member was done to collect relevant information. The present study has been undertaken by the investigator to show the special importance of women and how far law codes framed in an Indian society help to protect and empower them. In a systematically method, answers to all questions were noted and analyzed. The results showed that the modern Indian woman is an object of admiration in the whole world. There have been drastic changes in the situation of women due to changes in these law codes, still there is a big gap between the legal rights for women and their actual availability and implementation, which paves the way for distress, conflict and disharmony in life.


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How to Cite

Prof (Dr) Punam Miglani. (2023). ROLE OF LAW CODES FOR PROTECTING AND EMPOWERING WOMEN IN INDIAN SOCIETY. Innovative Research Thoughts, 9(2), 206–212. Retrieved from