A Study on Consumer Protection Act 2019 and Its Implications


  • Dr. Bimla Lathar Assistant Professor of Hindi, CRM Jat College Hisar”


Consumer Protection Act 2019, Manufacturer, Service Providers, E-commerce entities


The Government of India enacted Consumer protection Act 2019 to provide enhanced protection to the consumers taking into consideration the booming e-commerce industry and the modern methods of providing goods and services such as online sales, tele-shopping, direct selling and multi-level marketing in addition to the traditional methods. Consumer Protection Councils at the Central, State and District levels and the introduction of new in-house machinery- Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) was the turning point. The new move is undoubtedly beneficial to consumers, but the pillars of integrated communication channel s have very serious implications. The objective of this article is to assess how the implementation of Consumer Protection Act 2019, which is in force from 24th July 2020 would affect the pillars of integrated communication channel, namely; Manufacturers, Service Providers, Advertisers, Sellers (both Offline and Online) Celebrity Endorsers and E-commerce entities based on the terms and conditions of the new Act collected from secondary data sources. This is because the Act is powerful enough to bring fundamental changes in the approach of marketers in India, where aggressive promotion and advertisement were considered to be ideal strategies


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How to Cite

Dr. Bimla Lathar. (2023). A Study on Consumer Protection Act 2019 and Its Implications. Innovative Research Thoughts, 9(2), 47–53. Retrieved from http://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/635