Study of violence against women, its specific forms and legal responses in India


  • Kashyap S


Violence, women, Physical


Women are docile, meek and subservient and are subjected to humiliation, physical violence, sexual violence, exploitation, psychological violence, physical assault, emotional violence, sexual abuse, spiritual violence, cultural violence, mental trauma, neglect, financial abuse, verbal abuse etc. Due to unavailability of detailed studies on violence against women it is onerous to come up with proposal to reduce if not abolish such violence. There is exigency for more studies on this violence to understand the psychology of the perpetrators. It is the ominous verity of the society that the women’s dignity is always dilapidated. Women have always been reliant on men for their subsistence and confined only to certain places, mainly involved in domestic chore’s since ages but now in the era of globalization, the sphere of women has expanded and women are now well educated, working in all spheres of life and demanding equal status to men. Even in this era of globalization women are facing violence at every step inside their home as well as at their work place. They are often subjugated by men in the society and therefore violence against women has augmented.


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How to Cite

Kashyap, S. (2018). Study of violence against women, its specific forms and legal responses in India. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(1), 60–63. Retrieved from