Scarcity of Conventional Sculptural Mediums in North Eastern States: Some Issues and Possibilities


  • Dr Ganesh Nandi Assistant Professor Department of Visual Arts, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India


Sculpture, conventional medium, experimentation, scarcity, possibilities, anobstacle


India has always a rich sculptural tradition. Artist of all the period are very familiar to handle the conventional sculptural mediums. Indian sculpture got little touch of modernity after coming of British. But it got total freedom only due to the emergence of RamikinkarBaij in the first part of 20th century. He paved the way of experimentation in the field of Indian sculpture.He was the Pathfinder of a new and unexplored horizon through his experiments with form, concept, medium and working process.But mainly scarcity of medium drove Ramkinkar to explore new sculptural mediums. Sometimes scarcity can open up a way of new possibilities. In the field of sculpture North-Eastern states are also in a same situation. Due to poor communication and connectivity North –East is little bit detached from the mainstream art and conventional sculptural mediums like bronze, stone etc are also not available here. But scarcity is the mother of invention. Due to this scarcity of conventional mediums North –Eastern artists have acquired an unparallel skill to handle the mediums like wood, terracotta and some other local materials which are available in naturally resourceful North- East zone. Number of artists are practicing and attaining national –International attention. So, scarcity of conventional sculptural materials can be considered not as anobstacle it hasnow created some spaces of possibilities for the North- East sculpture.


Choudhury, Rabin Dev, Sculpture Masterpieces from Assam, Indian Art History Congress, 2014

Debi Prasad, RamkinkarBaij’s Sculptures, Tulika Publication, New Delhi, 2007.

Ghosh, Mrinal, Ramkinkar- ChallisherAdhunikata, Pratikkhan, Kolkata, 2008.

Mago Pran Nath, Contemporary Art in India- A perspective, National Book Trust, India, 2001. 5. Raatan, T, History, Religion and Culture of North East India, ISHA Books, India, 2006

Som, Sovon, Tin Shilpi, Bani Shilpo, Calcutta-9, December 1985. 7. Vidyarthi,Lalita Prasad, Art and Culture of North East India, Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India, 1986




How to Cite

Dr Ganesh Nandi. (2022). Scarcity of Conventional Sculptural Mediums in North Eastern States: Some Issues and Possibilities. Innovative Research Thoughts, 8(1), 147–153. Retrieved from